The Road to Delhi


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The Road to Delhi

Author: Gabrielle Festing
Order No. 51113
ISBN: 81872260408
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: APH
Pub Year: 1998
Pages: 435
Language: English

The book is an attempt to treat the history of Delhi, from the Primitive past of Kauravas and the Pandavas about 1000 BC to the last mughal of Delhi, Bahadur Shah Jafar. He also gives the brief details of the battles fought on this land and how it became the most prestigious possession of the rulers in their time. The book also gives us the brief description of all those who took the road to Delhi. Some came there only for the purpose of spoil and plunder and others came because it had been proved many a time that he who was the master of Delhi could be master of all Hindustan.