History of the Great Wall


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History of the Great Wall

Author: Editorial Board

Order No. CPG109

ISBN-13: 9781921099663

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: CPG-International/Encyclopedia of China Publishing House

Pub Year: 2009

Language: Simplified Chinese and English

Size: 4.5 x 8.25

Page: 204

Price: $14.95

History of Chinese Civilization, a series of bilingual books, will win over its readers with interesting and inspiring historical facts and stories, told in accurate yet vivid, simple yet thought-provoking words. With carefully chosen and arranged texts written both in Chinese and English, the books will help both westerners and Chinese readers learn more about the language as well as the history and culture of China. Many colorful illustrations throughout the series will give readers a better understanding of those facts and stories, which tell them about not only history but also how to learn from history.

History of the Great Wall tells the story of the construction and significance of the Great Wall, the symbol of the diligence and wisdom of the Chinese people. In the mid-7th century BC, the State of Chu built a wall in the form of three sides of a square to defend itself, and later, the subsequent States constructed walls on their borders to defend themselves, as well. In 221 BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China and wanted to defend against the Xiongnu people by building a Great Wall upon the foundation of the earlier smaller walls. The Han dynasties and those after it continued to construct walls, among which the one built in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) was of the largest scale. It traverses the north of China like a winding gigantic dragon, full of vigor and vitality.

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