FLTRP Contemporary Korean-Chinese Chinese-Korean Dictionary
Author: Li Wuying, et al.
Order No. 15715
ISBN-10: 7560018599
ISBN-13: 9787560018591
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Pub Year: 2004
Language: Korean-Simplified Chinese
Size: 4.5 x 7.25
Page: 1,039+574
Price: $27.95
This two-way dictionary contains 40,000 entries in the Korean-Chinese part and 20,000 entries in the Chinese-Korean part. The entries are selected from many fields including politics, economics, culture, society, law, history, and literature, etc. Many new words and new meanings, especially borrowed foreign words, are also included. The dictionary features accurate and concise explanations. With some useful appendices.