Eastern Qing Tombs


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SKU Order No. 3072 Category Publisher:


Eastern Qing Tombs
Order No. 3072

ISBN-13: 9787505203044

ISBN-10: 7505203045
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: China Esperanto Press
Year: 1997
Pages: 108
Size: 8×11
Language: English

The Eastern Qing Tombs, the first imperial cemetery the Qing Dynasty built after the Manchus crossed the Great Wall and entered Beijing, are located in Hebei province, 125 kilometres east of Beijing. They are one of the best-preserved burial grounds in China, an important state-protected cultural site, and a well-known scenic attraction for tourists. This book introduces the beautiful surroundings, exquisite buildings and numerous cultural relics of these magnificent tombs. Includes maps and genealogical tables.