Completely New HSK Simulation Tests (Advanced Level)


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Completely New HSK Simulation Tests (Advanced Level)


Author: Zhao Mengxuan

Order No. 15571

ISBN-13: 9787561915653

ISBN-10: 7561915659

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: BLCUP

Pub Year: 2006

Pages: 328

Language: Simplified Chinese

Size: 7.25 x 10.25

Price: $19.95

This book is compiled by the teachers who have long been engaged in Chinese language education, and are quite familiar with the HSK testing. Based on the recent changes in HSK, the book includes seven complete tests with answer keys, notes and transcripts of the Listening Comprehension section.

The Accompanying Tapes:

Order No. 15571-T, ISBN: 7887032725