Combating Terrorism


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Combating Terrorism

Author: M.G. Chitkara
Order No. 51161
ISBN: 8176484156
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: APH
Pub Year: 2003
Pages: 570
Language: English

There is no better way to handle terrorist virulence, on the soft targets than decisive police action. The gunning down of five terrorists in Bangalore on 29th September 2002 by a team of Tamil Nadu commandos came in the wake of killing of two terrorists, on September 25 in the Akshardham temple in Gujarat. Both operations should set an example for the police force. More important, they ought to send a clear signal to India’s destabilisers that the security forces mean business about eradicating the terrorist menace. The death of Imam Ali, one of the five in the Bangalore encounter, conveys the message that extremists Islamic fundamentalists cannot run forever. Terrorists target soft vulnerable places of open transparent societies and have no respect for national boundaries. United struggle against the global terrorism is the only way to combating terrorism.