Ancient Pagodas in China


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Ancient Pagodas in China

Author: Luo Zhenwen
Order No. 3038

ISBN-13: 9787119017020

ISBN-10: 7119017020
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Foreign Languages Press
Pub Year: 1994
Pages: 331
Language: English
Price: $67.50

Origin, development, structure, uses and features of China’s ancient pagodas, with over 200 illustrations.

All Titles in the Series:</font color>

China’s Imperial Tombs and Mausoleums, Order No. 3035, ISBN: 7119016199

Chinese Bronzes — A General Introduction, Order No. 3037, ISBN: 7119013874

Ancient Pagodas in China, Order No. 3038, ISBN: 7119017020

Chinese Pottery and Porcelain , Order No. 3039, ISBN: 7119007521

Chinese Woodcuts, Order No. 3040, ISBN: 7119003887


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